

You are likely to excel in all aspects of life in the year 2022. New possibilities may spring up and open doors to new beginnings in the first quarter. Your family and professional life both may bring good results for you. You may want to introspect, which is likely to make you wiser and more astute. Pursuing your creative passions, which may bring you fame and fortune, is likely to benefit you in the year 2022. Your financial position may generally remain strong. Expenses and spending may be balanced. On the domestic front, the year 2022 may prove to be auspicious. Peace and warmth may prevail all around. Children may make good progress in their respective fields. On the professional front, the year 2022 may be fruitful for youngsters, as their career choices may take them in the right direction. It is advised to upgrade your skills and knowledge to keep you with competition in job market. In year 2022, your energy levels are likely to be increased as you adopt healthy habits, which include physical exercises, yoga and meditation. You are likely to focus more on maintaining a positive mental attitude. In the year 2022, sensuality may be at its peak. Single individuals are likely to fall in love. Those in a long-distance relationship are likely to move in with their partner.

Lucky Color: Pink

Lucky Number: 2, 6

Lucky Months: January, July & November.