
Vastu Shastra

God said, “There is nothing on earth, in the divine world, or beyond these that is free from the three traits (TriGuna) of nature (Prakriti).”

– Shrimad Bhagavad Gita (18.40)

Following the framework for self-excellence in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Astrologer Maina helps you to live with more happiness, health, wealth, and excellence. Astrologer Maina facilitates learning Vedic architecture (Vastu Shastra) through short duration courses supported by intuitive Astrologer Maina at grassroot level.

In her research on Vedic Architecture (Vastu Shastra), Astrologer Maina discovered that directions are dominated by three Gunas (Rajas, Satva, Tamas) in a building. Varied compositions (5 elements) of these three Gunas give fixed attributes to 16 directions that govern 16 life aspects of habitants. This 4-Step Astrologer Maina methodology gives techniques and solutions to eradicate pain emerging from three domains of existence- self, environment and cosmos.

Core Philosophy of Astrologer Maina

  1. Each of the 16 directions in a building have a fixed element (Air, Fire, Earth, Space, and Water) which gives fixed attributes to that direction. Each Activity, Utility, and decor Object (AUO) is also categorized into 5 elements.
  2. If the element of AUO is not compatible with the element of direction, it causes pain in a particular aspect of life governed by the direction. This state is called an “imbalanced state” (Vikriti).
  3. Compatibility is achieved either by relocating the AUO to a compatible direction or by using 16 techniques of Vastu. This compatible state is called a “balanced state” (Sam Stithi), responsible for balanced thinking and behaviour (Sam Buddhi) leading to an experience of clarity, focus, flow, and self-reflection.
  4. After achieving this balanced state, home decor art based on Vedic Symbols is utilized to program the inner space of a building. These Vedic Symbols give divine guidance to the unconscious mind of habitants.
  5. Triguna Composition (Prakriti) of habitant is mapped by Vastu Experts and accordingly his/her prolonged sitting, sleeping, and working directions are calibrated. This makes the person experience oneness with absolute universal consciousness (Brahm) for an unconscious yet intuitive decision making.
  6. Planetary strength-based directions are evaluated for the inhabitant according to Athrava Veda Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) for important activities. Then, the building is further calibrated according to strengths of Vedic constellations (Nakshatras) to maintain harmony with the cosmos.
  7. The blueprint of Vedic Architecture (Vastu Purush Mandala) provides positions of 33 divine (Daivik) and 12 demonic (Asuri) powers in a building which influence the neuropsychology of its inhabitants on a subtle level. Specially trained intuitive astrology sense and balance these powers to create an ideal environment for the occupants.