

In the year 2022, positive energies may fill up your routine and you may be motivated to work harder than you did previously. You are likely to devote more time towards building your relationships, which will augur well in the years to come. Staying fit may become your mantra for the year 2022 and you may work hard to maintain good health. You may get to reap the benefits of your past efforts in the New Year 2022. Many pending tasks may see completion and you may get to enjoy the fruits of your hard labour. On the economic front, your position is likely to be stable in the New Year 2022. Dealings in ancestral property may bring profits. The year 2022 may bring mixed results on the domestic front. The year 2022 may be quite good on your career front. Promotions and salary increments are likely for senior professionals in the Year 2022. You may have to pay extra attention towards your physical fitness and dietary patterns. Your romantic front is likely to be very promising in the year 2022. Happiness may prevail in your love life and mutual understanding is likely to grow between you two.

Lucky Color: Green

Lucky Number: 6, 8

Lucky Months: April, September & December